
Branch – North Queensland

The North Queensland Branch, with over 500 members, is supported by a voluntary Branch Management Committee elected by the Branch membership. 

The Branch’s key role is to provide local support for AASW members through a range of activities that enable members to network, develop practice skills and organise around social justice issues. 

Cairns Networking Group - Are you Interested?

Are you interested in attending AASW networking meetings with fellow Social Workers in the Cairns region? 

We would love to hear your thoughts and preferences. If you could please complete the 5 minute survey by 3 May

Cairns Networking Group Survey

We look forward to hearing from you.

World Social Work Day 2024 - Cairns

The NQLD Branch held a Cairns breakfast on Thursday 21 March to celebrate World Social Work Day 2024. The breakfast included a wonderful presentation by Simone Dewar, involving participation discussing transformative change at a micro, mezzo and macro level. Fantastic participation and involvement with members.

Seeking Branch Management Committee

The NQLD Branch is currently in administration. We are seeking members who are willing to undertake the roles of Branch President, Vice-President and 4 Branch Management Committee (BMC)  members.  If you have 1-2 hours per week to give to the NQLD Branch to help provide local benefit to members and influence local policy please contact [email protected] for more information. 

Seeking Practice and Networking Group convenors

If you have 2-3 hours a month to spare and are passionate about social work in your community of practice (eg Mental Health, Private Practice) or state/territory perhaps you would like to consider starting a Practice or Networking Group. Not only will you be able to give back to your fellow social workers and your profession, but you could also help shape activities providing peer support and networking (Practice and Networking Groups) and category 3 professional development both online and in person (Practice Groups only).



For more information, please contact Branch Services at [email protected]

Upcoming Events

Contact us

Branch Services Coordinator

Phone: 03 9320 1000 or 1800 630 124 (toll free alternative)
E-mail: Click here

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