
Testimonials – 2022

Mentoring Testimonials 2022

See what our members have to say about the mentoring program.

Our Mentoring program in 2022 saw 190 pairs of mentors and mentees match with 162 pairs completing the program. Most met six times or more over six months with the majority meeting online due to the geographical distribution of participants.

Testimonial: Mentor from the 2022 program – Helen Vlaho

Testimonial: Mentee from the 2022 program – Victoria McRae

The positive comments from mentors included:

I’ve had a great opportunity as a mentor to reflect on my Social Work roots, values and framework in a way I haven’t for some time.”

“Very rewarding to assist someone in their professional development, especially when it’s not linked to line-managed responsibility for ensuring outcomes. A very good opportunity to reflect on my own growth and be challenged to make my framework for practice and leadership explicit.”

“Just wanted to share how much I am loving being part of the AASW Mentoring Program – it is such an honour and privilege to provide mentoring to my mentee! I feel that the mentee and myself were perfectly matched and I appreciate the many learning/growth opportunities I receive through the course of our sessions!”

“I looked forward to our meetings, it was nice to interact with someone who ​was full of hope and energy, it was energizing.”

“Thank you for a great program and I am excited to say that I am quietly confident of a mutual continuation beyond 7/10. The program provides a structure around professional debriefing and development that can help enrich mentee and mentor alike.”

“Great match will stay in touch as a supportive peer. Enthusiasm and insight of mentee brought joy and encouragement to my own practices…”

The positive comments from mentees included:

“Since the beginning of my mentorship program, I had been guided by my mentor to explore the different options available in terms of social work career development path. Through this guidance, I have now identified some specific areas of practice that I intend to pursue in my middle and long-term professional career.”

“Along with the help of my Mentor, I have been learning and practising ways to sustain myself in practice through self-care, managing workload and switching off outside of work – a constant work in progress but as a new graduate this has been one of my greatest challenges and my Mentor has really helped me explore this and given me practical resources and tips alongside being a great role model as someone who is dedicated to juggling this throughout her career too.”

“I’ve been looking at other career options such as social work supervision and planning towards moving into private practice in the future. It’s improving my confidence to try new things.”

“Feeling connected and supported as I find my professional self in the field of social Work Having a trusted and neutral person to ask questions and share wisdom knowing they have been in my shoes before”

“My mentor has helped me in many ways this year and particularly just sticking with me over the past month as my life has been very ad hoc and our recent professional development /career path conversation couldn’t have come soon enough.”

“My mentor was matched to my interests and needs incredibly well. She really helped me with where I’m at in my social work journey. We have formed a mentor-mentee relationship/friendship that will extend beyond the program. I am really grateful for her, and AASW for the opportunity to connect with mentors.”

“There’s so much the program helps with because what you actually learn in theory is not enough and often not applicable to practice.”