Notification of AMHSW

    • Mentoring - MREC
    • Practice-and-Career-Promotion-MREC
  • Email Subject: Notification of AMHSW CPD Audit

    Dear (first name),

    As an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker (AMHSW) you are required to maintain your annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This is a reminder that by 30 June, you must have completed your CPD requirements and update your CPD records to renew your credential.

    The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) has the responsibility for ensuring members comply with the accreditation requirements.

    To ensure that members are meeting their obligations and for us to fulfil our responsibilities as the accrediting authority, we will be conducting the annual audit of AMHSW member’s CPD activities for the 2022/2023 financial year (1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023).

    Meeting these requirements is a prerequisite for applying for, annual renewal of, or reinstating your AMHSW status.

    You will need to provide evidence of undertaking the following:

    A total of 30 hours of CPD including:

    • 10 hours of Category 1: Supervision
    • 15 hours of Category 2: Skills and knowledge
    • 5 hours of Category 3: Professional Identity

    Important note:

    Your total 30 CPD hours must also include:

    • 20 hours relevant to mental health practice.
    • 10 hours relevant to Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS), consistent with Medicare guidelines.

    The FPS component is a requirement set by Medicare for all Allied Health professionals to ensure ongoing eligibility to provide services as listed in the Medicare Benefit Schedule.

    CPD requirements are the same for part-time workers as they are for full-time workers. It is the view of the AASW that it is equally important for all AMHSWs to remain up to date with the latest theories and practice.

    A random sample of participating members will be selected to participate in an audit of their CPD records. The focus of the audit is to ensure you have completed professional development relevant to your Accreditation.

    Please note: This email does not mean you are being audited – it is only notifying you that an audit is coming up and you may be randomly selected.

    The audit will be conducted as follows:

    • Notification will be sent to the selected members at the end of June, advising that they will be included in the audit
    • Deadline for uploading material to myASSW ‘My CPD Record’ is 15 July 2023

    If you are selected to be audited, you will be required to provide evidence in your CPD record. Examples of evidence are included below:

    • A completed Evidence of Supervision Template, Supervision records with supervisee and supervisor signature and date or in the case of peer supervision/consultations, the date and a signature of a peer who is a regular attendee. The AASW acknowledges that members utilise a range of methods to record their supervision, consistent with their practice needs and experience, methods of supervision and supervisory relationships. Members are not required to use a specific proforma, template or agreements to records their supervision. For more information about supervision please refer to the supervision standards listed in the resources.
    • A certificate of attendance at CPD activities (certificate must have date of attendance, name of event attended, logo of organisation hosting the event and/or signature of provider.
    • Receipt of payment for a CPD event (receipt must have name and date of event, provider of event and amount paid), in conjunction with proof of attendance, such as provision of either a Statutory Declaration or certificate of attendance as outlined above.
    • A record of articles and their source (e.g. a journal) and/or other professional texts that you have read for the purposes of Continuing Professional Development.
    • A Statutory Declaration signed by yourself and witnessed by someone approved to certify documents (e.g. barrister, Commissioner for Declaration (Queensland only), registered medical practitioner, judge, Justice of the Peace, minister of religion who is authorised to celebrate marriages, police officer, public servant with at least five years’ service, sheriff’s officer, solicitor

    It is vital that you provide evidence that you have met your CPD requirements for the year. Your annual CPD is a compulsory part of your AMHSW credential. If you do not meet these requirements your credential will be at risk. In this situation, we will work with you to resolve the issues. If, in the worst-case situation, they cannot be resolved, then you may lose your credential.  The AASW has an obligation to notify Medicare of members who are no longer accredited, and this may result in the withdrawal of your Medicare Provider Number.


    To assist you in understanding your CPD requirements and updating your records the following resources are available.

    The AASW website has a page of important information relating to CPD. CPD Overview 

    This includes:

    If you need assistance with updating your CPD record, please contact the CPD team on [email protected]  

    For all other enquiries, please contact [email protected]