Public Education campaign

Horizon Career Centre

Horizon Career Centre

The Horizon Career Centre is an initiative of the Australian Association of Social Workers to provide a forum for employment solutions and career resources.

Search for jobs

Search the Horizon Career Centre job database for job vacancies across a range of human services disciplines and locations in Australia.

Subscribe to job alerts

Members can create an alert based on job category, location or job type and elect to receive notifications either weekly or daily.

Locum profiles

The Horizon Career Centre Locum database is a free service provided to AASW members seeking employment on a locum basis or interested in sessional work (long term or short term). Simultaneously, the Locum database is a resource for employers seeking social work professionals that are available on a locum basis.

Access career resources

Horizon Career Centre has a range of useful information, publications and links to help you enhance your career. Our online resources are available and may be useful to AASW members and the wider human services sector alike.

Advertise social work jobs

Whether you need locum, contract or permanent social work staff, Horizon Career Centre is the place to advertise.