Branch – Queensland

    • Mentoring - MREC
    • SWF - Feb-Mar
  • The Queensland Branch, with over 2,800 members, is supported by a voluntary Branch Management Committee elected by the Branch membership. We service and represent Social Workers from the southern border north to Rockhampton. 

    The Branch’s key role is to provide local support for AASW members through a range of activities that enable members to network, develop practice skills and organise around social justice issues. The Branch Management Committee provides the conduit for communications between members in Queensland.

    World Social Work Day Dinner - Toowoomba

    The Toowoomba Practice Group is delighted to host a workshop with activities that help uncover dominant discourses and practices that perpetuate the separation of people form place; and then activities that explore how social work can help reconnect people with place at micro, meso and macro levels. Followed by dinner with short presentations (10 mins).


    For further information and registration: Group Events (

    When: 12 March 2024

    Time: 5.00 pm (AEST)

    Venue: Conference Room – Level 3, Toowoomba Library, 155 Herries Street, Toowoomba AND Zoom – link sent to registered attendees on the day


    Dinner will be provided.

    The AASW is pleased to subsidise the cost of this event for members.


    World Social Work Day Event - Brisbane

    The QLD Branch welcomes you to an evening to celebrate World Social Work Day 2024. This year’s theme is ‘Buen Vivir: Shared Future for Transformative Change’, which is rooted in the Global Agenda and emphasises the need for social workers to adopt innovative, community-led approaches that are grounded in indigenous wisdom and harmonious coexistence with nature.


    We look forward to having a local Social Worker present, details to be confirmed closer to the date.


    For further information and registration: Event Information (

    When: 19 March 2024

    Time: 6.00 pm (AEST)

    Where: UniSQ Springfield, Springfield Atrium, University Drive, Education City, 37 Sinnathamby Boulevard, Springfield Central AND Zoom, details will be emailed to registered attendees the day of the meeting


    Food and drinks will be provided.

    The AASW is pleased to subsidise the cost of this event for members.


    World Social Work Day Picnic - Sunshine Coast

    The Sunshine Coast Practice Group is hosting a Picnic in the Park to celebrate World Social Work Day 2024.

    BYO food or a plate to share.

    Activities are to be confirmed closer to the date.

    For further information and registration: Event Information (

    When: 19 March 2024

    Time: 5.00 pm (AEST)

    Venue: Happy Valley, Esplanade Bulcock Beach, Colundra

    Upcoming Events

    Contact us

    Branch Services Coordinator

    Phone: 03 9320 1000 or 1800 630 124 (toll free alternative)
    E-mail: Click here

    Connect with us on